Using an interactive approach in teaching English vocabulary in EFL classes

Using an interactive approach in teaching English vocabulary in EFL classes

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Журнал «Научный лидер» выпуск # 1 (150), Январь ‘24

Дата публикации 05.01.2024


В  статье обсуждается важность преподавания английской лексики на занятиях EFL и предполагается, что интерактивный подход может быть полезен для этой цели. Интерактивный подход предполагает активное участие учащихся в процессе обучения, выходящее за рамки традиционных методов преподавания. Это позволяет учащимся практиковаться и укреплять свое понимание лексики осмысленным образом. В статье предлагается несколько способов внедрения интерактивного подхода на занятиях EFL. Учителя могут использовать реальные и значимые контексты для введения новой лексики, связывая ее с повседневным опытом учащихся. Интерактивные игры и мероприятия могут быть включены, чтобы сделать изучение лексики приятным и увлекательным. Также можно эффективно использовать технологии, позволяющие учащимся самостоятельно практиковать словарный запас и получать мгновенную обратную связь.

In today's globalized world, English has become the lingua franca of communication. With the increasing importance of English proficiency in various fields, teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) has become more crucial than ever. One of the key aspects of learning English is building a strong vocabulary. A wide range of vocabulary not only enables learners to understand and express themselves effectively but also enhances their overall language skills. In order to successfully teach English vocabulary in EFL classes, an interactive approach can be employed.

An interactive approach in teaching involves active participation and engagement of students in the learning process. It goes beyond traditional lecture-style teaching methods and encourages students to actively interact with the language and their peers. This approach is particularly effective in teaching English vocabulary as it allows students to practice and reinforce their understanding in a meaningful way.

An interactive approach is one that facilitates two-way or bi-directional contact between the source of the interaction and the target. It is cyclic, meaning that there is a back and forth dynamic between the parties involved. In other words, one response generates another, and another, and so on [3, p 43]

One of the advantages of using an interactive approach in teaching English vocabulary is that it creates a more immersive and engaging learning environment. By incorporating games and activities into vocabulary lessons, teachers can capture students' interest and motivation, making the learning process more enjoyable and memorable. When learners are actively engaged in their learning, they are more likely to retain the vocabulary they acquire and apply it in real-life situations.

Furthermore, interactive techniques allow learners to practice using vocabulary in context, which contributes to better language acquisition. For example, role-plays and simulations provide opportunities for students to use vocabulary items in meaningful and realistic contexts. By applying vocabulary in communicative tasks, students can develop their language skills and improve their overall proficiency.

An interactive approach to teaching English vocabulary also promotes learner autonomy and creativity. When students are actively involved in the learning process, they are encouraged to explore the language, express their ideas, and use vocabulary in their own unique ways. This approach fosters a sense of ownership over their learning, leading to increased motivation and a deeper understanding of the vocabulary being taught [3, p 49].

Moreover, the use of multimedia resources, such as videos, songs, and online platforms, can greatly enhance the interactive learning experience. These resources provide learners with authentic examples of vocabulary in use, which helps them develop a better understanding of word meanings and usage. Additionally, multimedia resources make the learning process more diverse and dynamic, catering to different learning styles and preferences.

There are several ways of teaching vocabulary by using an interactive approach in EFL classes. Firstly, teachers can use real-life and meaningful contexts to introduce new vocabulary. By connecting vocabulary to students' everyday life experiences, they are more likely to remember and understand the words. For example, if the topic is "food," teachers can engage students by bringing in actual food items, discussing recipes, or even organizing a cooking activity. This hands-on approach helps students to associate the words with real-world experiences, making it more memorable and meaningful [1, p 210].

Secondly, interactive games and activities can be incorporated into the lesson plans to make vocabulary learning enjoyable and engaging. For instance, through language games like Bingo, Jeopardy, or Scrabble, students not only practice vocabulary but also develop important language skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration. These interactive activities create a positive and fun learning atmosphere, motivating students to actively participate and learn new words [1, p 213].

Furthermore, technology can be effectively utilized in teaching English vocabulary. Online quizzes, educational apps, and interactive multimedia resources can provide students with a more immersive learning experience. With the help of technology, teachers can create interactive exercises, flashcards, and quizzes, allowing students to practice vocabulary independently and receive instant feedback. This independent learning approach enhances students' autonomy and self-directed learning skills.

Some key elements and strategies of an interactive approach in English language teaching include:

  1. Pair work and group work: Students work together in pairs or small groups to complete tasks, discuss topics, or solve problems. This promotes communication and collaboration among students and allows for practice of language skills in a more interactive setting.
  2. Role-plays and simulations: Students take on different roles and act out scenarios, allowing them to practice real-life situations and language use. This helps students develop their speaking and listening skills and enhances their ability to communicate in various contexts.
  3. Games and activities: Incorporating games and interactive activities into language lessons makes the learning process more enjoyable and engaging. Games can be used to practice vocabulary, grammar, or conversation skills, and they create a dynamic learning environment.
  4. Discussions and debates: Encouraging students to express their opinions, share ideas, and engage in discussions or debates promotes critical thinking, develops speaking and listening skills, and encourages language production.
  5. Authentic materials and real-life contexts: Using authentic materials, such as newspapers, articles, videos, or audio recordings, exposes students to real-life language use and cultural aspects. This helps students develop their reading, listening, and comprehension skills, and makes the learning experience more relevant and meaningful.
  6. Technology integration: Incorporating technology tools, such as interactive whiteboards, online resources, multimedia materials, or language-learning apps, can provide students with additional opportunities for interactive learning and practice [2, p. 72].

Overall, an interactive approach in English language teaching fosters active student engagement, promotes meaningful language practice, and creates an interactive and communicative classroom environment.

In conclusion, the interactive approach to teaching vocabulary in EFL classes has emerged as an effective method to engage students, promote active learning, and enhance motivation. By incorporating various interactive activities, techniques, and resources, teachers can create an immersive and engaging learning environment that facilitates vocabulary acquisition and retention. As educators continue to explore innovative and interactive teaching approaches, students can enjoy a more enriching and meaningful learning experience in their journey to become proficient English speakers.

Список литературы

  1. Al-Seghayer, K. The effects of multimedia annotation modes on L2 vocabulary acquisition: A comparative study. Language Learning and Technology, 2001, 5. 1, 202-232.
  2. Huang, H., & Liu, H. Vocabulary learning in an automated graded reading program.Language Learning & Technology,2007, 11(3), 64-82.
  3. V. Rivers. “The interactive methods of teaching ”, 2018. 13.5 47-50.
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