The study of adolescent personality has received increased attention in science. The personality appears not only as active, purposeful, but also as a self-developing system, formed in the process of interaction with the social and natural environment.
S.L. Rubinstein defines personality as: “a relatively stable system of behavior of an individual, built, first of all, on the basis of inclusion in the social context. In the author’s concept, “Personality is a set of internal conditions through which external influences are refracted” [6].
According to L.S. Vygotsky, “personality is not innate, it arises as a result of cultural and social development” [4].
As part of the study of domestic psychology, special attention is paid to the structure of personality, which is considered as an integral system consisting of socially significant properties, qualities, positions, relationships, algorithms of actions and deeds that determine human behavior and activity.
One of the key transitional moments of personality in the life cycle is adolescence. Adolescence is characterized by rapid growth and significant changes: interest in one's inner world, behavior and relationships.
During adolescence, complex relationships with others develop, especially in the context of adult intervention in the lives of adolescents. At the same time, they begin to imitate them in clothing, tastes, behavior, habits and romantic relationships.
At this time, there is a separation of personal and business relationships, and the need for independence and freedom from adult care becomes incredibly high.
L.S. Vygotsky noted that the characteristics of the course and duration of adolescence vary markedly depending on the level of development of society [3].
During adolescence, there is an increase in internal factors of personality development, which determine a new type of interaction between the teenager and the environment. One of the consequences of this is the teenager’s independence in relation to self-education and self-development.
The school is the first and main model of the social world for the child, which develops his worldview and value sphere.
Educational activity according to G.A. Tsukerman reveals the following patterns of student development: There is a significant development of students' abilities in designing and shaping their own learning processes and educational trajectory.
The main factor contributing to the development of these abilities is the reflection of educational tools, which contributes to the construction of adequate and effective educational processes and, accordingly, leads to positive dynamics of independent goal setting, improvement of communication and organizational skills [5].
The dominant factor in the formation of a student’s personality is the process of his moral and value development.
According to L.I. Bozhovich, the most important age for the formation of individual values is adolescence. Thanks to the development of thinking, consciousness and self-awareness, the teenager develops his own value orientations and patterns in the form of conscious demands that the teenager makes of himself and other people. During adolescence, values become more abstract. A teenager’s sympathies are based on the compliance of a person’s behavior with the requirements that are valuable for the teenager [1].
A person’s value orientations are an important characteristic of a person, since a person’s system of value orientations determines his behavior and the relationships he builds with other members of society[2].
Diagnostics of the psychological characteristics of the value orientations of the personality of S.S. Bubnova showed the importance of values in adolescence[7].
During adolescence, the most important values for young people are those aimed at self-affirmation. These qualities allow a young person to become confident in his ability to achieve success in his chosen field of activity and become respected in the eyes of others. However, values associated with the business sphere also occupy an important place in this period of life. Teenagers, beginning to develop their potential, strive for diligence, efficiency in business, breadth of views and education. They also develop the perseverance, will and patience needed to achieve success.
This choice, in our opinion, is connected with the trend of today's social demand, on the one hand. On the other hand, a teenager, due to his age-related development, unconsciously betrays the significance of one or another value.
Depending on what value orientations the teenager’s personality is directed towards, what their combination is relative to each other, it is possible to determine what life goals the personality is directed towards.
Returning to the question of age-related characteristics of the development of adolescents, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is during adolescence that the active formation of voluntariness occurs and the ability to reflect begins to manifest itself. This stage of development is characterized by the emergence of the ability to analyze one’s behavior and the behavior of other people, which is an important factor in the formation of a teenager’s personality.
In connection with the above, it is necessary in educational activities to development of a system of value orientations that are the basis of the student’s worldview, creation of conditions for the realization of the creative potential of the individual, organization of cognitive activity along the path of self-development, self-determination, entry into the system of social roles in the educational process.
Список литературы
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