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Журнал «Научный лидер» выпуск # 39 (137), Октябрь ‘23

Дата публикации 03.10.2023


В данном материале рассматриваются информационные системы в онлайн-образовании, дается определение терминам "онлайн-обучение" и "информационные системы", обсуждаются ресурсы для разработки онлайн-курсов и их характеристики, актуальность изучения информационных систем, а также области применения этих систем.

Nowadays, modern information technologies allow conducting the educational process remotely. On-line learning is an educational process with the use of a set of telecommunication technologies, aimed at providing an opportunity for students to master the bulk of the required information without direct contact between students and teachers during the learning process (which can take place both in synchronous and asynchronous form), and can be both an independent form of education and an addition to another more traditional form of education (full-time, part-time, correspondence or externship), if necessary, given a long time ago. 

On-line learning has both pros and cons, let's look at them.  The pros of on-line learning are accessibility, flexibility, mass, saving money, saving time, opportunity for people with inclusion. The disadvantages of on-line learning are technical limitations, impossibility of practical training, communication problems, lack of «live» contact. But with constant technical progress the disadvantages become less, as new programs and methods are invented, which make on-line learning as comfortable as possible.

Modern on-line learning is based on the use of the following basic elements: 

• Information transmission medium stationary personal computer, laptop, tablet, telephone, mail, radio, television, information communication networks).

• Methods dependent on the technical medium of information exchange.

In the 21st century, interactive interaction with learners through information communication networks is promising, from which the environment of Internet users is massively distinguished.

For greater convenience, platforms for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been created. Massive Open Online Courses is a training course with mass interactive participation using e-learning technologies and open access via the Internet, one of the forms of on-line learning. In the world there is a huge number of services for creating and using mass online courses. Let's consider some of these platforms and their features:

  • Moodle – Free platform with wide possibilities of customization. Installed only on your own server. There are a lot of plugins to extend the functionality. Requires web-development skills for administration.
  • Ilias - Free platform with the ability to create forums and personal blogs. It is installed on the server. Ilias is open source, which allows you to customize the platform to your needs if you have programming skills.
  • iSpring Learn - A platform oriented for the corporate sector. Ready to work immediately after registration. Support for all types of training materials, webinars, detailed statistics and a course editor that allows you to quickly create courses and simulators from office documents and videos.
  • GetCourse – The most popular platform among info-businessmen. Webinars, integration with many payment systems, protection against course theft.
  • Coursera - Paid and free programs are available to students, both in familiar areas of professional training and experimental programs that provide an opportunity to learn new professions. Most courses are in English, but many courses have been localized by volunteers.
  • Stepik - here you can find courses in programming, higher mathematics, data analysis, programs in philosophy and linguistics, hobby courses, for example, preparation for the traffic rules exam. The platform allows everyone not only to gain knowledge, but also to create courses in the course builder.

Due to such information progress, society can learn, qualify and acquire new knowledge. Here we would like to emphasize the importance of the development of information systems, which to some extent contributed to the development of on-line learning technology.

In his time, Albert Einstein said that before the end of the 20th century, people will see something like «information explosion». So it happened, before the end of the century mankind saw it and until now this «explosion» continues. The reason for everything was the progress and development of information technology, hence the need for information systems for the life of modern society.

In the life of modern society Information systems are used almost everywhere: in stores, companies, financial sectors, etc. This technology will remain in demand and evolving.

The fundamental importance of the development of information technologies for the modern stage of society is that their use can provide significant assistance in solving global problems of mankind and, above all, the problems associated with the need to overcome the global crisis of civilization experienced by the world community.

According to the research of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, in 2015 such professions as programmer, database administrator, network and system administrator, information protection technician and others are included in the list of 50 most in-demand professions in Russia [1]. During the research 1620 professions took part and more than 13 thousand organizations were surveyed [1]. In the United States, professions related to the IT sector are among the 10 most in-demand professions [1]. From this study we can conclude that with the spread of information systems, which are already very widespread in the world, their demand will only increase and the world needs qualified professionals who will improve and develop this technology and bring something new and unique to the world.

We classify information systems by scope of application:

  • Organizational management information systems - automation of management personnel functions (operational control and regulation, operational accounting and analysis, planning, sales and supply management).
  • Technical process control information systems - automation of functions, microchip manufacturing, support of technological processes in industry.
  • Information systems of computer-aided design - automation of functions of engineers, designers, etc., when creating new equipment and technologies (engineering calculations, design and technical documentation, process modeling).
  • Integrated (corporate) information systems - automation of all enterprise functions (enterprise-scale IS).

The main task of such a system is information support of production, administrative and management processes (business processes) that form the products or services of the enterprise. Their creation requires a systematic approach from the position of the goal and result criteria. In connection with the information progress and development of information systems, new applications, programs that simplify and improve various aspects of human life have appeared and continue to appear. Education is an important part of every person's life, but nowadays it can also be received remotely.

Список литературы

  1. Izbachkov, Y.S. Information systems: textbook for universities / Y.S. Izbachkov, V.N. Petrov. - 2nd ed. - SPb.: Peter, 2011 - 539 p.
  2. Izbachkov Y. S., Petrov V. N. Information systems. SPb.: Peter, 2005.
  3. Kogalovsky, M.R. Perspective technologies of information systems / 4.
  4. Information Systems and Technologies: Scientific Edition / Edited by Y.F. Telnov. - Moscow: Unity, 2012. - 303 p.
  5. The main properties of IT, defined. Their role in the technological development of modern society. - 2015 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://studfile.net/preview/1864932/page:20/#47
  6. Informatsionnaya sistema - 2022 [Electronic resource].
  7. Information system: a look at the concept - 2007 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/informatsionnaya-sistema-vzglyad-na-ponyatie/viewer
  8. Services for creating online courses. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://vc.ru/services/79360-11-servisov-dlya-sozdaniya-onlayn-kursov
  9. Top 20 platforms for online courses: where to create and place training. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.unicraft.org/blog/6105/platformi-dlya-online-kursov/
  10. 7 platforms for creating your own online course. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.eduneo.ru/7-platform-dlya-sozdaniya-sobstvennogo-onlajn-kursa/
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