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Журнал «Научный лидер» выпуск # 24 (174), Июнь ‘24

Дата публикации 20.06.2024


В статье освещаются вопросы, касающиеся индивидуализации обучения в МООК, адаптации образовательного материала, способы осуществления адаптации в массовых открытых онлайн-курсах. Так же рассматриваются вопросы, касающиеся удовлетворенности студентов в процессе обучения в МООК.

In recent years, MOOC have become extremely sought after and popular. Students from all over the world are turning to MOOC in order to gain new knowledge in certain disciplines. MOOC is a massively interactive participatory learning course that utilizes e-learning technology [1].


Due to the information progress, MOOC have started to spread widely in society and hence have been introduced into the education system. Massive open online courses are available to anyone with a smartphone or a PC with Internet access. However, it is important to note that one of the important problems of massive open online courses is that most of them are ineffective because they are not individualized for learners, hence another problem arises - student satisfaction in MOOC [2].


In this article, we address the problem of individualization of massive open online courses and how to increase learner satisfaction in these courses.


Individualization of learning in MOOC – is the process of adapting educational material and teaching methods to the individual needs, interests, level of knowledge and learning pace of each student.


One of the challenges of MOOC training is that there is little interaction between the instructor and the learners due to the lack of technical facilities on MOOC platforms. Not all of these platforms have online conferencing or other tools to communicate with learners in an online format.


Hence, it can be concluded that in order for the learner to most effectively complete the course and learn all the material, the instructor needs to individualize his MOOC. This will help to organize the online course in such a way that the learner will be left with a minimum number of questions that he/she could not learn on his/her own without the help of the instructor, or there will be no questions at all.


Let's consider the ways in which individualization of learning can be implemented in mass open online courses.  The main ways are: personalization of material, adaptive assignments, flexibility in learning, interactivity and feedback.


The first way is to personalize the material. The essence of this method is to adapt the learning material to the level of knowledge and interests of each learner. This includes providing additional material to expand knowledge in each topic and choosing alternative ways of learning educational material [3]. For example, the learner studies the material from the simplest to the most complex, and then encounters additional material that helps him/her to study the topic more effectively and to find answers to the arising questions independently. The supplementary material may contain concrete examples, video and audio files or other additional materials that help to better digest the material. Thus, such material effectively influences the learning and assimilation of educational content. 


The second method is adaptive assignments. This method consists in the fact that when performing practical tasks, test questions or other forms of knowledge testing are provided from simpler to more complex. Just as it is described in the first method of individualization in MOOC. Consequently, this method is relevant for smoother learning in mass open online courses, when a learner after reading or watching a lecture material smoothly moves to the practical part [4]. Obviously, such a smooth transition will have a positive impact on the level of learner satisfaction.


The third way is flexibility in learning. This method consists in the fact that the learner is given the opportunity to choose his/her own pace of learning. The trainee independently forms the schedule of training in MOOC, the only limitation is the time limits set by the instructor, for example, one semester is allocated for the course, but the trainee can complete the course in the first week.  Thus, this method is well suited to the individual circumstances and needs of each learner.


The fourth way is interactivity and feedback. One of the key factors in achieving a high level of satisfaction is interactive assignments that will engage learners in the learning process. Feedback from the teacher on MOOC platforms is most often comments that are available in each section of the course. Based on all of the above at this point it can be concluded that one should carefully work through all the material that will be presented in a massive open online course, because most MOOC platforms do not have a better tool than feedback in the comments to any of the course sections. Thus it can be concluded that well designed and further developed material in a massive open online course will require less feedback from learners.


Based on the above mentioned ways, it can be concluded that individualization of a massive open online course is important to achieve higher performance and effective learning efficiency of the learners.


It is worth noting that the degree of learner satisfaction depends on the properly constructed material that is presented in the online course. The MOOC should be initially logically thought out and structured in such a way that the information is presented more gently, starting from the introductory material and gradually deepening and revealing each topic. Practical assignments, tests and interactive tasks should also be closely linked to the lecture material. Additional material should be presented where it is really necessary, such as supporting videos, examples, references to other sources and so on.


We can now conclude that individualization of MOOC is essential. A carefully prepared and then implemented massively open online course based on the individualization of learning material will yield much more positive results than most massively open online courses that do not focus on these important educational aspects. It should also be noted that the factor of presence of individualization methods of MOOCs directly affects the efficiency of acquisition of new knowledge of students and subsequently on the satisfaction of the learner from the passed material in the mass open online course [5].

Список литературы

  1. Arenkina E.A., Babanskaya O.M., Dvoryankina O.N., Elizarieva Y.A., Zakharova U.S., Mozhayeva G.V. Guide to creating an online course. / E.A. Arenkina, O.M. Babanskaya, O.N. Dvoryankina, Y.A. Elizarieva, U.S. Zakharova, G.V. Mozhayeva. // Institute of Distance Education. - 2015. P. 6-7
  2. Dvoryashina, M.M.; Artemova, E.V. Satisfaction with online learning theoretical approaches and empirical measurements. / M.M. Dvoryashina, E.V. Artemova. // Upravlenets. Т. 10. №6. P. 42-53
  3. Patrunina, K.A. Application of MOOCs in the educational process of higher education institutions. / K.A. Patrunina // SEP. 2021. №1. URL: (date of reference: 13.05.2024)
  4. Semenova, T.V.; Vilkova, K.A. The contribution of characteristics of participants of mass open online courses (MOOCs) in the formation of the level of satisfaction with training. / T.V. Semenova, K.A. Vilkova. // Monitoring of public opinion: Economic and social changes. - 2019. № 4. P. 262-277
  5. Zakharova, U.S. Production of MOOCs at the university: goals, achievements, barriers. / U.S. Zakharova // University management: practice and analysis. 2019. №4. URL: (date of access: 13.05.2024)
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