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Журнал «Научный лидер» выпуск # 19 (169), Май ‘24

Дата публикации 18.05.2024


В статье анализируются новые тенденции в современном образовании. Рассматривается процесс интеграции интернет-технологий и социальных сетей в образовательный процесс. Отдельное внимание уделяется функциям социальных сетей и интернет технологий в образовательном процессе. На основании представленной информации, составлен вывод о текущих тенденциях в образовании.

People and society face various new trends and challenges on a daily basis. Digital transformation has set new challenges for the comprehensive development of various fundamental sectors of human life. Internet technologies and social networks have a high degree of interactivity, adaptability and openness, as well as, last but not least, accessibility to all categories of society, which allows them to gradually be introduced into all spheres of human life and society, including the educational process. As a platform, online service or website designed to build, reflect and organize relationships, social networks are in demand in the higher education system.

Many scientists consider social networks and Internet platforms as one of the most convenient mechanisms for interaction between the state, business and citizens, both among themselves and within individual categories. For example, according to E.N. Zabarnaya and I.V. Kulichenko, "a social network is a kind of Internet community of users who are united by a single goal and interest on the basis of a single site or platform." There is another opinion, A. Barda and J. Zoderkvista believe that a social network is a way of communication that provides equal communication opportunities to all people [1]. Thus, social networks and Internet technologies are mechanisms that perform an important task - communication, which is the most important in the educational process, which determines their high potential for the field of education.

In the Russian Federation, in the field of education, social networks and Internet technologies perform several important functions [1, p. 31]:

  • Communication (interaction between all subjects of the educational process in created groups, conversations, forums, information exchange, webinars, etc.);
  • cooperative (joint solution of any educational tasks, obtaining new knowledge, skills, abilities, etc.);
  • identification (formation of one's own profile, identification with a certain educational by a group, institute, university, isolation from other users);
  • informational (obtaining information on various topics, exchanging information links on scientific articles, etc.);
  • mobilization (encouraging students to be active in both the educational and educational process, joining scientific life, attending lectures and seminars).

There are several main reasons why technological changes have taken place in the educational sphere of the Russian Federation. The Covid-19 pandemic significantly influenced the introduction of Internet resources and social networks into educational processes, which forced the transfer of most state and municipal educational institutions to a distance learning format. Also, digitalization has already been mentioned, various technologies and new developments have gradually begun to be introduced into education, as people began to use them everywhere in various areas of their lives.

Covid-19 and digital transformation are not the only reasons for the integration of Internet technologies and social networks. In the Russian Federation, a vector has been chosen to develop the openness of the government, its publicity, and, accordingly, the same applies to educational institutions, since they are state or municipal institutions [2]. Therefore, in recent years, first of all, various social networks of educational institutions have been created precisely in order to publish up-to-date information about their activities, events and basic services, as well as employees. Together, all three factors listed above have led to the fact that Internet technologies and social networks have become an integral part of the educational process.

First of all, social networks and the Internet are currently used in the educational process in order to optimize it and increase the efficiency of providing educational services. For example, in general education schools in Russia, the online platform "Spherum" is currently becoming widespread, which allows teachers to safely communicate with parents and students, conduct video lessons in high quality, exchange homework and other tasks [3]. Also, various educational platforms provide access to their resources to parents, they can get acquainted with the information that their children study, as well as see their academic performance, which is very important for many.

In universities, the Internet has played an even more important role, so, in 2020, most higher education institutions began accepting applications for studies from applicants online [4]. At first, applications were submitted by e-mail, then it was decided to create online platforms for each of the universities, where, first, the applicant sent an application, after which he received a login and password from an automatically created personal account to the specified contact details. This personal account allowed real-time tracking of statistics of submitted applications for the training course chosen by a person, which made it possible to see whether a person is going through a budget form of study or not. This was a great help, because it became possible to "play it safe" and, if anything, apply to another faculty or university. Not everyone has the means to pay for a paid form of education, so such a mechanism has become a "salvation".

Also, Internet technologies have made it possible to effectively conduct full-time and part-time education. If earlier students occasionally attended lectures and only came to the session at the end of the semester, now the amount of study hours has become much more, students receive more knowledge, which allows them to get a good education and improve academic performance. For other students, Internet services have become an assistant in the educational process, teachers post their lectures in the "distance learning system – DLS", grades, homework and other documents necessary for training are also displayed there. With the help of DLS, verification work and tests are carried out, some of them are automated and allow you to find out the result immediately after sending, this greatly facilitated the work of teachers and reduced paper turnover in the educational process.

In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic forced educational institutions to switch to a distance learning format. Most institutions were not prepared for this development. At first, students simply completed various tasks and sent them to teachers for verification, and then schools and universities began to integrate various online call services with their activities. The first such service was «Zoom», this online platform allowed lessons to be conducted in closed channels, but its main disadvantage was the limited amount of call time – 30-40 minutes, which, for most educational institutions, is less than their lesson lasts [5]. Also, another significant disadvantage is the sound and video quality – the more people participated in the call, the worse the teacher was heard.

Such significant disadvantages have become a lever for searching for more convenient Internet technologies that would replace it. Thus, universities began to implement the Microsoft Teams platform, which was able to solve most of the problems of previous platforms, as well as significantly facilitate other processes. For example, what became the most important – Microsoft provides corporate access to its products, so higher education institutions created their own domains in the services of this company, which allowed them to remotely configure the profiles of each student, create so-called "teams", these are a kind of chat calls on specific subjects, to each of which they were invited students of certain groups and a teacher responsible for preparing students for a specific academic subject. Similarly, "Teams" were created for lecture-type classes, where the teacher had access to a virtual blackboard where he could write notes and show lecture presentations.

But, unfortunately, new challenges and the departure of foreign companies, including Microsoft, have necessitated a new search for a convenient online resource for conducting online training. Currently, attempts are being made to implement the Yandex-Teleconference online platform, it has more complex functionality and other shortcomings, so at the moment Yandex specialists are working with universities to optimize this platform for educational institutions.

Thus, Internet technologies are firmly entrenched in the modern education of the Russian Federation. They allowed not only to solve many problems related to new challenges and the geopolitical situation, but also to optimize the educational process, increase the efficiency of educational institutions, facilitate the work of teachers, and make education more convenient and accessible.

Список литературы

  1. Kinyasheva Yu.B., Murashenkov S.V. The use of social networks in the higher education system of modern Russia/ Yu.B. Kinyasheva, S.V. Murashenkov// Bulletin of the VSU. Series: problems of higher education. – No. 3. – 2021. – pp. 30-33
  2. Bukaeva A.A., Magzumova A.T. The use of social networks in the educational process/A.A. Bukaeva, A.T. Magzumova// Innovations in science. – 2015. – №2 (39)
  3. Educational platform "Spherum"// Official portal of the platform "Spherum" [Internet resource] URL: https://sferum.ru/?p=start
  4. Zhulina E.V., Arkhipova M.V. MODERN FORMATS OF EDUCATION IN THE ERA OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES // Innovative economics: prospects for development and improvement. – 2022. – №4 (62)
  5. Ladygina O.E. FEATURES OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN THE CONTEXT OF A PANDEMIC/ O.E. Ladygina // World science. – 2021. – №5 (50). – pp. 56-59
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