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Журнал «Научный лидер» выпуск # 27 (125), Июль ‘23

Дата публикации 14.07.2023


В данной статье рассматривается основные проблемы этики врача во время военных действий и в мирное время , а также соблюдение клятвы Гиппократа.

Introduction. The present paper discusses the relevance and the importanceOf the Medical Ethics in the times of peace and military conflicts. It tries to answerThe questions about some controversial issues related to the problems of MedicalEthics. Medical ethics in the modern sense refers to the application of general and.Fundamental ethical principles to clinical practice situations, including medical.Research. It is the same for civilians and military physicians. It has been an integral.Part of medicine since the time of Hippocrates. Throughout the recorded history.Being a physician has meant something special. Even at that time people were.Concerned about doctor-patient communication. The deontological model is based.On the principle «not to do harm» and «follow your duty». The main task of medical.Professionals is preserving physical and psychological health, and relieving.

Suffering. The medical ethics rule is clear and is reinforced by international human.

Right standards: no physician can take part in any action involving torture or cruel orInhumane treatment or use medical knowledge or skills for punishment. Purpose of study. The purpose of the study is to study the specifics of the doctor-patient relationship in military medical practice and to develop recommendations for optimizing the system of protecting the rights of military patients. To realize the purpose of the study, it was necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) to identify the features of the professional activity of military doctors in situations of armed conflict 2) to determine the features of the formation of the social role of military doctors in peaceful conditions 3) consider the distribution of professional roles in military medicine. 4) describe the social role of the patient and its features in military medical practice 5) analyze the perception of military patients on a specific sociological material surgical profile of their social role,6) to find out the attitude of medical officers to military patients.

Results of study. In armed conflict or other emergencies, health-care personnel are required to render immediate attention and requisite care to the best of their ability. No distinction is made between patients, except in respect of decisions based upon clinical need and available resources. The ethical principles of health care do not change during armed conflicts and other emergencies and are the same as the ethical principles of health care in peacetime. Many prominent medical researchers in the 19th and 20th centuries conducted experiments on patients without their consent and with little if any concern for the patients well-being. Although there were some statements of research ethics dating from the early 20th century. They did not prevent physicians in Nazi Germany and elsewhere from performing research on subjects that clearly violated fundamental human rights. Following World war Two, some of these physicians were tried and convicted by a special tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany. The basics of the judgment is known as the Nuremberg Code, which has served as one of the foundational documents of modern research ethics.

Conclusion. In a world where social, cultural and religious differences are in Fact the abundant source of armedconflicts, ethical considerations that transcend.

These differences are called for. Military medical ethics is an actual and global key Issue.

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