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Физическая культура и спорт




Журнал «Научный лидер» выпуск # 21 (66), май ‘22

Дата публикации 22.05.2022


Для гармоничного развития человеческому организму необходим достаточный уровень физической активности. В настоящее время наблюдается тенденция к снижению физической активности среди молодежи. Недостаточный уровень физической активности негативно влияет на многие системы организма. В данной статье представлен результат сравнения физического состояния активных студентов и студентов с недостаточным уровнем активности.

Introduction. Motor activity is the first and most important need of a person, ensuring the harmonious development of personality, maintaining and strengthening health. Nowadays, the motor activity of young people is significantly reduced due to the predominance of distance learning over full-time. A low level of activity threatens the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the development of obesity, posture disorders and muscle dystrophy [3].

Movement is a natural need of the human body. It forms the structure and functions of the human body. During the long evolutionary development of man, a connection has developed between his motor functions and the activity of internal organs [5]. For the growth and development of a young organism, movement stimulates metabolism and stimulates the improvement of the heart and respiratory organs. A high level of activity has a positive effect on the brain, contributing to the development of mental activity. Physical activity, regular physical education and sports are a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle [4].

Motor activity sets the direction for the development of the musculoskeletal system, the metabolic processes of the body and the cardiovascular system[2]. The body's need for motor activity depends on each individual. The level of need for physical activity is largely determined by hereditary and cultural factors.

Lack of motor activity is characteristic mainly for the majority of the urban population, especially for people engaged in mental activity - knowledge workers, schoolchildren and students whose main activity is studying[1]. And in modern realities, students are often forced to switch to distance learning, which significantly reduces motor activity.

The purpose of the study: to study the effect of lack of physical activity on the health of students.

Materials and methods of research: A survey of 100 students of Belgorod was conducted. The survey was conducted among students aged 18-20 years, of which 57 girls and 43 boys. Anthropometric studies (height, weight, BMI) were conducted.

According to the results of the developed questionnaire, indicators of a low level of activity were established. Students with a sedentary lifestyle were sent for a medical examination.

The results of the study: when analyzing the data obtained, it was revealed that 41 out of 100 students have a sedentary lifestyle (41%). Also, 63% of respondents noted that their level of physical activity decreases sharply when switching to distance learning.

Among students leading a sedentary lifestyle, disharmony of physical development was 5 times more common than among physically active students. According to the study, it was found that 20% of adolescents with a sedentary lifestyle have vegetative dystonia. Also, students with a sedentary lifestyle were 3 times more likely to have anemia compared to physically active students.

An increase in blood pressure was registered in 16% of students with a sedentary lifestyle, while in physically active students, increased blood pressure was found only in 5% (5 students), which is 3 times lower.

In general, about half of the students have some form of diseases (48%; 48 teenagers). I would especially like to note that the greatest number of diseases of one form or another was observed among adolescents with a sedentary lifestyle.

The most common diseases of the endocrine system (19%; 19 students), gastrointestinal diseases (12%; 12 students), less often — cardiovascular diseases (5%; 5 students).

Thus, the results obtained allow us to identify groups of medical and social risk among students. The identified trends make it possible to develop measures for the prevention of diseases in students, taking into account their lifestyle.


1. Among 41% of students, a sedentary lifestyle was noted, which had an impact on their health.
2. Of all students, 63% of respondents note a sharp decrease in activity when switching to distance learning. 3. Anemia is detected 3 times more often among students with a sedentary lifestyle, and an increase in blood pressure was observed in 5%.
4. 31% of adolescents have diseases that were characterized in most cases by diseases of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract.

Список литературы

  1. Velikanova L. P. Clinical and epidemiological monitoring of the state of neuropsychiatric health of children and adolescents. Pediatrics 2004; 1: 67-70
  2. Katelnitskaya L. I., Akhverdieva M. K., Glova S.E., etc. Health passport and prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases: a textbook. — Rostov-on-Don: State Educational Institution of Higher Education, Roszdrav State Medical University, 2007. — 192 p.
  3. Korchina T. Ya., Denezhkina V. L. Prevention of non-communicable diseases in children and adolescentsof the urbanized northern region // Successes of modern natural science. - 2009. — No. 6 — pp. 72-73.
  4. Menshikova L. I. Risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in children. Human Ecology 2003; 3: 45-50.
  5. Chehonadskaya E. I. Epidemiology of behavioral risk factors for non-communicable diseases in adolescent and adult populations. Policy and strategy of targeted school prevention programs. 
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